Secure Stash is a key value store provided to the user to save frequently used secret variables like ssh keys, and AWS access keys. Users can save them once in the Secure Stash and use them multiple times across different modules like Playbooks. A Secure Stash entry is defined as a key, value tuple. By default the secure stash entry is private and accessible only to the user creating it. Users can choose to share their stash entries  with one or more users. 

To create a new Secure Stash entry go to “Secure Stash” page by selecting it from left panel

Now to add a new entry in secure stash, click on the icon as shown below.

Lets try adding stash entries for aws credentials so that user can use it in different playbooks where aws connectors are used.

Once aws_access_key_id is added in stash, it will show up on the Secure Stash page as below.

In a similar way users can create other stash entries to save aws_secret_access_key and ssh-default-host.

A secure stash entry can be shared with one or more users by editing it

So if a user decides to share its private stash entry “ssh-default-host” with a user it can do so by selecting the scope as “Allow read only by specific user” and choosing the user from the given list of users and then clicking “Update” as shown below.

User can delete secure stash entry by clicking on the   for that entry,