This page is where everything about Playbooks come together in one single pane of truth. This is the "Engine" of how automation can save time for you and accomplish your tasks.

Here is what all you could do on this page:

You can execute, view and share Playbooks by choosing “Playbook Engine” selection form the left panel as shown below.

As shown above, there are three key parts of the page:

Scroll: This is where output of the executed playbooks is captured. You can add your notes or comments by using the "Add to scroll" feature. This is like a timeline of all of your actions at Epiphani Playbooks, captured at one place for your reference.

Used Playbooks: You can find list of Playbooks recently executed here. The "State" will depict the current status of the Playbooks that is being executed. You can also execute the same Playbook again by clicking on "Rerun".

Available Playbooks: This is the list of all Playbooks available to you to run, schedule, share etc. Playbooks shared by other people with you will also show up in this list.