Playbook Node:
A Node is the most basic element of the Playbook. A blank node on the Playbook Editor's canvas looks like this:
A Playbook also has two other kinds of Nodes that anchor it, Start Node and End Node, as shown above.
A fully configured Node that has been associated with a connector and and an action looks like this:
Playbook Connectors:
A Playbook Connector is how a Node gets and sends information/data from systems like databases, networks, servers, cloud and other utilities and messaging services.
Each connector has the following properties
- Actions (aws-ec2-describe-instances, slack-send-notifications, etc.)
- Each action requires its own set of Config, Command and Arguments
As an example, here is how Config, Command and Argument look like for
aws-ec2-describe-instances Action
Config: This is where required parameters are passed to the action of the connector
Command: Additional parameters Or commands that one can run as part of the action
Arguments: Name of the Node plus arguments to be passed between connectors
For list of supported connectors, actions, and their config and command parameters, refer to Supported Connectors article.