Step 1: Select "Epiphani" Connector from the left side panel as shown below

Step 2: Select the Action 

Step 3: Provide Config and Command options for the selected Action as per the table below

Basic Epiphani Connectors:

ssh command
Executes the command by doing ssh to given host
Nonelogin type (ssh key)
ssh-host (URL)
select one of the command to be executed on the ssh-host
- ifconfig -a
- uptime
- ip route
UserMessagemessage to be posted to a user's scroll under Playbook Engine pageNonemessage
NestedPlaybookNesting of another PlaybookNoneplaybook (select a playbook to be included from a drop-down menu)
MarkDownTblFormat output of a table of one Connector into a Table before making it available to the next Node in a PlaybookNoneAdd the variables in format here e.g. {{InstanceID}}{{InstanceType}} etc.

Example Usage of Each of the Actions:

ssh command:

The Ready-to-Use "Start a VM in AWS" sample playbook needs to ssh to the newly created VM and install user's public key. This is how its done as shown below. 

Click on the "Install Key" Epiphani Node below and select "Command" on the left side panel.

Here are the various parameters and their explanations


In the same sample Playbook, select the "Show Hostname" Epiphani Node and select "Command" as shown below:

Here are the parameters that can be configured for UserMessage Command as shown below.


Select NestedPlaybook Action from the left side palette. 

Select "Include playbook" and select a Playbook from drop-down menu as shown below.

Once selected the configuration is complete.


This action is to "pretty print" information in a tabular form.

Select this action from left side panel. The only parameter to configure is under "Command". Enter the input - the information that needed to be "pretty print" in a tabular form. Usually this is captured in a previous node and passed on to MarkDownTbl using Rules Configuration.

Heres an example, where "schedOut" was captured in a previous node and being passed here for pretty printing in a tabular form.