We have out together a catalogue of videos that describe some of the most common use cases where Epiphani Playbook can be beneficial to you. Take a look and do let us know if you have suggestions for more such tutorials at feedback@epiphani.ai

How-To Tutorials:

Examples - Sharing/Launching of Playbooks from Slack:

Examples - Launching of Playbooks from Chat-bot:

Frequent Use Cases:

How to Create a Single Node Playbook

How to Create a Multi Node Playbook

How to Clone and Customize an Existing Playbook

How to Access and Run a Playbook

How to Install Bot in Slack and Launch Playbook to Create a VM from Slack

How to Get On-call Schedules from Pagerduty from Slack


How to Launch Creation of a VM from a Chat-bot

How to Launch Creation of an Incident War Room from a Chat-bot

How to Launch Creation of a Multi-cloud VPN from a Chat-bot

How to Start and Stop Developer Resources using a Playbook

How to Run a Periodic Healthcheck 

How to Share Ansible Playbooks